The ultimate gift has been delivered to a remote Ghanaian village, Gayikope, care of a Pittsburgh church. Grace Life Church in Monroeville has graciously donated the entire cost of engineering a borehole and pump in a village in Ghana that had to walk long distances to fetch dirty river water. Their generosity brings potable water to over 600 people, changing the lives of an entire community who now have a healthy, clean source of water flowing in their village.
Days that began with a prayer ended with an amazing gush of water as each borehole was drilled down 100 meters (300 feet) into the earth. I truly watched the miracle of life. It was a sight to behold with a grateful community dancing and rejoicing in celebration.
Grace Life Church has answered the prayers in one of these villages. Pastors Buck Schafer, Amy Schafer and Josh Martin are committed to building more boreholes in remote villages of Ghana in the future, and pledge to work together with Hope for Ghana to help the infrastructure of the villages, looking at everything from educational needs to ways of creating jobs in these communities. Grace Life Church will provide hope and sustainability to villages in this impoverished part of the world.
Chris Sammarone, my friend and member of Grace Life Church, boldly said “We’re going to fix the problem” as he envisions more and more boreholes being built. I think he means the whole problem. After the initial shock of hearing such huge words I realized it’s possible.
Each and every donor to Hope for Ghana shares in this miraculous gift of water. You have provided the gift of life to families in dire need of clean water. Words are inadequate to describe what it was like for me to be a witness to such joy in Ghana.
All things are possible, one village at a time.