As work was furiously progressing to open Hope for Ghana’s first school last month, Hope for Ghana proudly provided access to clean water to two other villages. The Gayikope and Abusakope communities that had been fetching dirty “milky” water miles away from a river dam now have access to beautiful clean potable water right in their villages for drinking, cooking and bathing.
Days that began with a prayer ended with an amazing gush of water as each borehole was drilled down 100 meters (300 feet) into the earth. I truly watched the miracle of life. It was a sight to behold with a grateful community dancing and rejoicing in celebration.
The immense generosity of Grace Life Church in Pittsburgh has provided the borehole in Gayikope, serving over 600 people. The borehole at Abusakope, serving over 700 people, was provided by the philanthropy of John Weiss and many other donors.
Each and every donor to Hope for Ghana shares in this miraculous gift of water. You have provided the gift of life to families in dire need of clean water. Words are inadequate to describe what it was like for me to be a witness to such joy in Ghana. I believe the pictures say it all.