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- 2025 Ghana Adventure Set To Begin
- New Year Brings Gratitude And Hope
- Be The Hope This #GivingTuesday
- Thanksgiving Every Day In Ghana
- Exciting New Chapter Awaits
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- An Unforgettable Golf Outing
- Our Biggest Adventure To Date
- Ghana Bound With A Growing Vision
Inspirational Feedback
You are changing lives with your love and your hope and your financial support. Your life and their lives will never be the same again. And truly if you touch the heart of one person for one second and make a difference in their life, your life had meaning. I feel that if you look in the face of someone "truly" in need and help them in any way, even with a hug or a kind word, you are never the same. And I do believe that is our life's purpose. God is happy with you. You are doing all he asks of us and with kindness and gratitude. He is who we please when "whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you have done unto me." -Michelle Locke, Pittsburgh, PA
Thank you for your role in restoring faith in humanity. -Noorah AlSabah, London, England
Reading each email nearly brings a tear to my eye. Not only the benevolence that you have bestowed but the passion that you have to do more makes you truly a humanitarian. Thank you for continuing your tireless work but also for proving that there are great people in this world doing amazing things for others. Too often that is lost among the stories of prejudice, hate and tragedy. To the people of Ghana, you are saving lives with each drop of water, textbook and block of a schoolhouse. -Aaron Salyards, Pittsburgh, PA
When kids prefer to run to the library during a school break instead of playing with the other kids, when kids are willing to sit on the floor to read in an already overcrowded library during that break, then you know that Hope for Ghana is doing exactly the right thing in that community. -Christian Haasen, Hamburg, Germany
What a magnificent job you are accomplishing. I can't believe what has been done in the weeks you were there. This is why we are here and you have really been inspired to carry on with this work. God bless you and I do pray for you every day that God continues to enlighten you and protect you in this most beautiful project you have undertaken. The children seem so grateful they have Uncle Steve. God bless you and may he hold you in the palm of his hands. -Dee Paiano, Pittsburgh, PA
Thank you for sharing the pictures and videos. Your speech was very touching, sweet and straight from the heart. What you are doing is amazing. Not many people are able to help out as much as they would like to. Thanks to your efforts, you've made it possible for others to help out where they can too. Hope for Ghana is a way for others around the world to pitch in and make a difference for the kids of the future. Thank you for all your hard work. -Ezgi Muderrisoglu, Cork, Ireland
Wow!!! Seeing the pictures, the smiles, the work being done, the bracelet, is extremely touching. It is absolutely incredible what can be accomplished in such a short time when faith, hope and love are involved! -Susan Chikalla, Pittsburgh, PA