Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Hope for Ghana was proudly featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Goodness section on February 20, 2022, sharing the impact of our life-saving mission.
The Eric McKenna Project Podcast # 2
The second visit on The Eric McKenna Project podcast in April 2021 was a wonderful time sharing exciting stories from Ghana.
Cornerstone Television Network
Hope for Ghana’s mission was brought to life on Cornerstone Television Network’s “Real Life” on December 12, 2019 by hosts Amy Schafer and Tom Hollis.
The Eric McKenna Project Podcast
The Eric McKenna Project podcast in November 2019 shares Hope for Ghana's mission and provides a wonderful, fun platform for the amazing stories of hope and opportunity in Ghana.
WPXI Pittsburgh Evening News
On January 23, 2015 the story of Hope for Ghana was featured on WPXI Pittsburgh Evening News with Peggy Finnegan.
Z TV Ghana
On October 5, 2015 Z TV in Accra aired the story of The Elena Haasen Library and the work of Hope for Ghana in a piece entitled “Tegbi Library Inaugurated.”
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
On December 15, 2011 Pittsburgh Tribune-Review beautifully featured “Shadyside doctor answers Ghana’s call.”
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
The second chapter of Hope for Ghana’s work was featured in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on January 30, 2014 in “Fundraiser to benefit Penn Hills doctor’s mission work.”
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Hope for Ghana’s mission to build a third library and computer lab in Ghana was featured in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on January 7, 2015 in a piece entitled “Penn Hills-based doc raises money to build libraries in Ghana.”
Hand-Made Ghanaian Bracelets Fundraise Mission
As you look for unique gifts for family and friends, Hope for Ghana is selling gorgeous traditional Ghanaian bracelets made of hand-painted glass beads. These bracelets have been made by women in Ghana, each one uniquely reflecting the beauty and color of Ghana. Bracelets are on sale for $25 each. 100% of the donation price goes towards Hope for Ghana’s life-saving mission of building schools and libraries, and providing access to clean, potable water to villages in dire need. Bracelets may be individually selected in person or virtually via Zoom, and can be mailed anywhere within the United States. Contact Hope for Ghana to purchase these very special gifts. Buy A Traditional Ghanaian Bracelet