In just a few days I will begin a nearly 6 week adventure home, as Hope for Ghana completes its fourth school, begins building a new library and computer lab, provides several more villages with clean water, provides vocational apprenticeships for young men and women, launches its latest initiative, all while finding time for a 1 week adventure to Rwanda, and cherishing the company of amazing friends.
Hope for Ghana is thrilled to open our fourth school, Maureen’s School of Hope, providing 12 classrooms that will serve kindergarteners through 9th graders. Solar power is on its way thanks to the immense generosity of Brother’s Brother Foundation, ensuring that this life-changing project comes at no cost to the community. Sustainability at its best!
The community of Mepe, suffering enormous devastation due to recent floods, will have access to clean, potable water in 3 villages thanks to the amazing benevolence of Ingomar Church. At least 5 more villages will receive this gift of life thanks to the incredible generosity of Grace Life Church, Zach Kay and Nick Williamson.
It’s an incredibly exciting time for Hope for Ghana as we create an expanding vision of providing hope and opportunity. Hope for Ghana is thrilled to launch its Mobile Medical Outreach program, thanks to the philanthropy of the Patti family and Katzenstein family, in collaboration with former Nelson Mandela Scholar Dr. Joel Duah.
Hope and opportunity have no limits. Thanks to you our mission is reaching new heights, forever transforming lives in the most vulnerable communities. 2024 is about dreaming bigger! Ghana, I’m coming!