A brand new White 2018 Honda Accord headlines the incredible hole-in-one prizes waiting to be won at The Second Annual Hope for Ghana Charity Golf Outing at Westwood Golf Club on July 14, 2018. Thanks to the wonderful generosity of Andy Sperber and the owners of Valley Honda in Monroeville, the new Honda Accord sets the hole-in-one prizes on fire.
The other amazing hole-in-one prizes include a Scotland vacation for 2 ($15,000 value) including airfare, 8 days at The Old Course Hotel, golf at St. Andrews Old Course and Jubilee Course and Carnoustie Golf Links and $1,500 spending money; a Rolex watch thanks to the generosity of Henne Jewelers in Shadyside; and a Caribbean 7 day cruise for 2.
Please contact Hope for Ghana if you or your company would like to sponsorĀ one of theĀ 4 exclusive hole-in-one prize package holes for $250, including advertisement on the golf course and advertisement as an event sponsor on Hope for Ghana’s website. Perhaps you may want to sponsor one of the other 14 holes for $150. 100% of this donation is tax-deductible.
The Second Annual Hope for Ghana Charity Golf Outing will be an event to remember and will change the lives of Ghanaian children for generations to come. Register today for the full day of golfing events or the dinner event only by printing the registration form here or contact Steve at 412.551.7714.