Water is life. So simple and yet so profoundly understood in Africa. Life indeed depends on water, and yet access to water is so scarce in the villages of Africa.
In September 2017 Hope for Ghana provided a water borehole and pump in Gakpokorpe that provides access to clean drinkable water. Women and children who had to walk long distances to fetch water, sometimes using dirty river water, now have a healthy, clean source of water flowing in their village. Today women and children from nearby villages are lining up all day long to fill their pots with safe, potable water to drink and cook and clean their clothes.
I’ve been in Ghana for nearly 32 years, and I am certain this is the best thing I’ve ever done in Africa. Truthfully it may be the best thing I’ve done in my whole life.
More boreholes and pumps for villages that have no nearby water are coming soon as Hope for Ghana plans to bring more access to water in the coming months and years. It costs only $3000 to provide water for a Ghanaian community. Please contact Hope for Ghana if you are interested in providing this life changing gift for another village in Ghana. This is the gift of water.
Building Mason’s School of Hope in this remote village involves much more than cement and mortar. Leaving behind a school immerses you in the infrastructure of the village. It involves water. And it involves so much more. Stay tuned as there’s much more coming to this village very soon.